Friday, August 29, 2014

Will the real Aussie terrorists please stand up? - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Will the real Aussie terrorists please stand up? - » The Australian Independent Media Network

Will the real Aussie terrorists please stand up?

Who is creating the fear in the minds of Australians? Popular blogger and author ‘Truth Seeker‘ comes up with a surprising (or not too surprising) answer.

With all the rhetoric going around about terrorism, and the extremist
“War” language spewing gleefully from the mouth of the political thug
and brawler we laughingly call a PM, I thought it might be worth looking
at the issue of home grown terrorists.

Now it goes without saying that the recent beheading of journalist
James Foley was an act of unspeakable barbarity, and an affront to
anyone with even a semblance of humanity, and as such should be widely

But with his response to terrorism – as with most of our neighbours,
China and let’s not forget Russia – Abbott’s was not what could be
called ‘measured’, but rather disproportionate to the threats or
problems confronting us. So the real problem that we have to face, is one of perceptions.

So what is terrorism?

Well, simply defined, terrorism is the act of creating fear/terror in
the minds and hearts of the people, to achieve a predominantly
political outcome.

Now many will argue that they are just freedom fighters with a
religious cause, but the truth is that in the vast majority of examples,
terrorism is fueled by religious extremism carried out by thugs,
bullies and/or murderers to achieve a political outcome . . . in the
name of religion.

Firstly the issues that need to be addressed are those in the Middle
East, where for thousands of years the different tribes have fought
amongst themselves for political dominance, with religion as the

The Old Testament talks of the “Twelve Tribes of Judah” from which
Islam originated, and Christianity was eventually born. So in reality,
Judaism, Islam and Christianity all worship the same God.

And the truth is that the vast majority of peoples from all religions want the same things.

They want to see their children and grandchildren grow up to be safe
and happy, with a decent future, and to have some peace in their own
lives, so as to be able to go to work, pay their bills and support and
enjoy their families, etc etc.

The sad irony is that the zealots from all religious communities
invariably hurt more of their own, than the ones they claim to be
fighting against.

And while Muslim communities are now viewed with suspicion and fear
around the world, and subjected to abuse and red neck violence from the
ignorant and ill-informed, the reality is that by far and away, the most
victims of these radical, brutal Muslim regimes are . . . Muslims!

Religious zealotry always has been and always will be a problem as
all religious books of law are open to individual interpretation; and
without wanting to get in to a discussion on theologies, suffice it to
say that it’s easy for politics of both church and state to corrupt the
process of doctrinal interpretation.

And the Roman Catholic Church is a classic example of a church that
has, since its inception, become less “Spiritual” and more political,
and even more sadly, political in its spirituality.

And that brings us to the original premise, and the definition of “Terrorist”!

The goal of terrorists, is to create fear in the mind of the masses,
and they have many tools at their disposal, from the physical (torture,
beheadings, general violence, hostage taking etc), criminal (drug
supplies, money laundering, smuggling etc), to the social, emotional and
economic (predominantly propaganda based).

And they try to justify these atrocities, by indoctrination, or convincing themselves that the end justifies the means.

So to determine who fits the criteria, the question is:  “Who is creating the fear in the minds of Australians?”

Well we saw the consequences of lies, designed to promote fear, under
the Howard governance, where we went to war on the back of lies,
misinformation and propaganda.

Where we saw the lies of “The children overboard” saga which sought
to demonise asylum seekers and polarise public opinion against them.

Where we saw political cronyism and opportunism reach new heights in being low.

I for one loved the ultimate irony of watching “the lying rodent”
finally get unceremoniously dumped from, not only his job as PM, but
from his own, blue ribbon electorate; although many would argue that in
his case, justice will only be done when he’s in gaol for his crimes!

And for the last four years there has been another one from the same
mould; we could call him “the son of the lying rodent” which would be a
fairly accurate description, but he’s already known by so many other
derogatory names, like “The mad monk” or “The Lying King” or “The
dickhead” (I threw that one in, cos I can . . . and he is) etc, that one
more might just get lost in the crush.

But I digress.

So what have we seen since The Abbott came onto the scene?

Well apparently, even his rise to the top of the LNP was based on
promises made to Hockey and others that he wouldn’t put his hand up for
leader; a promise he subsequently broke.

And once in the position of LOTO his only plan was to do whatever it
took to gain government. So taking a leaf out of the rodent’s song book,
he started lying.

But they were not just any old lies, these lies were designed to instil fear amongst the electorate:

  • fear that the country will go broke because of the “carbon tax”
  • fear that our debt is out of control
  • fear that we had an incompetent and dysfunctional government that were hell bent on wrecking the economy
  • fear that spending and waste were out of control
  • fear that asylum seekers were all either terrorists or economic
    refugees, intent on taking over our country, our jobs, and our way of
    life etc

. . .  for the sole purpose of imposing on an unsuspecting public,
his rabid right wing, personal, religious and political ideologies, and
those of his self interested, corporate masters.

And arguably his biggest corporate master owned the propaganda
machine Abbott needed to sell his lies and fear and smear campaigns with
the ultimate goal of bringing down a duly elected government.

Which ultimately worked, albeit minus the predicted (by Murdoch’s News Corp) Labor massacre.

Since then we have seen the budget from hell that struck fear into
the hearts of large swathes of the population, as their lies and
deceptions were exposed.

Then we have ICAC, uncovering slush funds used to launder money, with
federal members likely to be implicated.  Also not forgetting Abbott’s
own slushie that he lied to the AEC about. The same one that he used to
have political rival, Pauline Hanson and friends, gaoled.

We’ve seen political witch hunts through Royal Commissions, and the
torture and character  assassination of friend and foe alike. (If you
don’t think it was torture, just ask Slipper or Thomson).

And in the name of “Border Protection” we’ve seen what many consider to be government sanctioned:

  • Piracy
  • People smuggling
  • Dehumanisation
  • Torture
  • Murder

The sad reality is that Abbott’s main game is hanging on to power and
will do whatever it takes to achieve that.  And everything that he
does, he does with one eye on the polls.

And if it wasn’t clear before he became PM, it sure as hell is now,
that the LNP believe sincerely that . . . the end justifies the means.

So when Abbott and his LNP across the country display outrage at the
atrocities we’ve seen, we can all nod in agreement whilst maintaining a
healthy level of scepticism about their possible motives.

And make no mistake, when comparing the actions of Abbott and his
government, and listening to his rhetoric, one could be forgiven for
crying . . . BLOODY HYPOCRITE!

And likewise, one could be forgiven for asking the question:

Will the real Aussie terrorists please stand up?

Undoubtedly, terrorism is a cancer on our world.
Let us recognise it, totally condemn it, and work together to eradicate it . . .
In all its guises!


This article was first published on Truth Seekers Musings and has been reproduced with permission.

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