Tony, we’re over you, your lies, and your stupid bloody slogans!
Tony, we’re over you, your lies, and your stupid bloody slogans!
It takes a special kind of stupid, to make the same mistakes over and
over again. And sadly our PM is just such a special kind of stupid.
A man (?) who spent his entire tenure as LOTO, coming up with, and
then repeating, slogans, all the while, telling lies to justify them.
A man (?) who didn’t bother developing policies, cos he was too busy
developing lies and slogans… And besides he didn’t have too cos his
rabid right mates in the IPA had a wish list, and he had brain farts
like his PPL scheme… WTF? O_o
A man (?) who thought only of winning at any cost, with nary a thought for what comes after.
A man (?) who told us all, ad infinitum, that the LNP are better at… well pretty much everything.
A man (?) who, now that he’s lied and cheated his way into government, has no idea WTF he’s doing!
Too harsh, you say?
Well I tried to focus on his good points… But I couldn’t find any :sad:
But I digress :shock:
The problem, as I see it, is that unlike the end of the Gillard term,
where people were not listening – not as a result of the lie that she
allegedly told, but because of the lies told over and over by the LNP
and the MSM– people stopped listening to Abbott from virtually the
start of his term; as that’s when they realised they’ve been lied to,
and severely conned.
A realisation that has only been reinforced by their backflips,
broken promises and continuation of the lies, that most people now
recognise as such, and the litany of lame excuses to justify the
aforementioned “Backflips, broken promises and lies”!
So how do they address this ever increasing “Trust” deficit?
They ignore the mountain of evidence to the contrary and continue to
tell the lies they told before the election, along with a few new ones,
thrown in for good measure, and then talk about “Rebooting” the fudge-it
that they haven’t been able to sell because of the first round of
aforementioned LIES… WTF? :roll:
Then Abbott comes out with more slogans like:
“Terrorism Tourism on the Taxpayer!”
Now, I have no doubt that most fair minded people would say that if
someone on a DSP, or Newstart/dole goes overseas, to fight for another
country or insurgent militia of any description, then the tax payer
should not be supporting them in that, but the problem for Abbott is not
so much in the message, as in the delivery.
I have to say, the more I watch and hear Abbott, the more angry I
get, and the more I deride everything he says, often before he’s even
said it! As to me, everything he says is tainted by his own blatant
dishonesty and stupidity, and further exacerbated by his arrogance and
But I also have to admit to having serious doubts about the level of
humanity in the LNP and particularly Abbott; thinking that he is some
kind of IPA, “Artificial Intelligence” experiment that went horribly
wrong? :shock:
The rabid right’s very own Frankenstein, (or “Frabbottstein”) if you like?
And I base this realisation on the fact that when he rocks up for an
interview, he literally “Rocks” up to it. As when he walks (if you
can call it that), he rocks from side to side, like an old toy robot! O_o :shock:
His arms don’t hang comfortably at his sides, but rather stick out at the elbows, like an
blown body builder; and I get the impression that he would be much more
comfortable waving his arms around whilst reciting the lines from “Lost
in Space”, that suit him to a tee:
“Warning, Warning… Danger Wil Robinson (substitute Australia)!” O_o :/
Then you have his verbal delivery, which I find highly frustrating
and insulting, as he ums, ahs and clicks his way through the start of
an answer, seemingly having to think about every word that dribbles from
his gob, except when it comes to his bloody slogans, which he throws in
with gay abandon, and then insists on repeating them, as if he’s
actually said something worth repeating… WTF? O_o o_O
Then there’s the complete stupidity of pretty much every “Abbott”
utterance, and the reason why he will happily go on to 2GB, with his
mates Jones and Hadley, or TEN for his mate Bolt, but is not allowed to go on QandA, as he will be faced with real questions from real people, who expect real answers :shock:
(It’s just as well he’s an “Adult”, cos most kids would be really
pissed off at being told that they’re too stupid to talk to real
For example; he said the other day that he wouldn’t
say, what Hockey said about the petrol indexation and the poor… WTF?
Of course he wouldn’t say it; there’s too many syllables, and it
wouldn’t work as a three word slogan, so he couldn’t… even if he wanted
to! :/ :roll:
But let’s face it, Abbott doesn’t need to follow Hockey’s lead, as he
has no problem making himself look stupid, like he has on many
and as he did more recently, with his comments about Scotland, and its possible secession from GB. :roll:
Sadly for Australia, we’ve got the two highest cabinet appointments,
both Hockey and Abbott, vying for the title of “The most special kind of
stupid” :roll: and even sadder :cry: they’re not alone, as that special kind of stupid seems to be in the LNP DNA, and a few examples are, in no particular order:
- Bishop (Jr) :evil:
- Bishop (Sr) :twisted:
- Abetz O_o
- Morrison :/ :evil: ^^’ :mrgreen:
- Pyne :/
- Brandis ^^’
- Hunt :mrgreen: O_o
- Turnbull :roll:
- Cormann :eek:
- Joyce O_o :/ o_O
But let’s face it, if it wasn’t for Abbott, most if not all of the
current cabinet, would still be back benchers, or not even MPs at all,
where they could devote their special kind of stupid to themselves and
their families, and not inflict it on us! :mad:
So there are three things that I would like to say to the Abbott:
- Tony, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… “Self praise is NO recommendation!
- Tony, you and your LNP are nothing but dishonest and incompetent fools!
- Tony, we’re over you, your lies, and your stupid bloody slogans!
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