Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ides of May? « The Australian Independent Media Network

Ides of May? « The Australian Independent Media Network

Ides of May?

malI am not sure what Malcolm Turnbull was thinking, or drinking, when he posted the following on his facebook page today:

Like most Australians, I was angry about Labor’s reckless
financial mismanagement of the NBN….but then as I read another Labor
press I started to feel young again. Yes, this took me back to my youth,
to the 1980s, to Duran Duran, shoulder pads and the Alan Bond and
Laurie Connell school of finance – borrow billions, dont worry about how
you can pay the interest let alone repay the principal.

He was apparently chuffed with his theatrical posturing in Question Time today.  He found himself rather witty and the smirk on Abbott’s face shows he enjoyed it too.

Well the reviews from the public show they weren’t quite as impressed
with Malcolm as he so obviously was with himself.  They were actually
more concerned with substance than performance.

The following is a very small selection of comments which overwhelmingly follow this vein:

“Like most Australians” – you’re kidding yourself if you actually believe this Mr Turnbull.

“Like most Australians, I was angry
about Labor’s reckless financial mismanagement of the NBN” – Where did
you pull that one from? Most Australians want an NBN FTTP, and you know

‘Like most Australians’, I want FTTH. Anyone who’s passed year 11 physics can tell you why.

Sorry, I can’t hear you over THE COST OF TELSTRA’S COPPER NETWORK.

LOL What you guys are doing to the NBN
now is a lot bloody worst mate. Thanks for building something that will
cost more to maintain and is already out dated……….The libs always
thinking short term not long term when it comes to infrastructure.

I’m not surprised you’re harking back to
your youth. Liberal party current policies are from a bygone era also.
Archaic tech solutions, removing anti-discrimination protections,
education for the rich, religious chaplains. Seriously? We are better
than all of that. It makes me sad that now both majors have lost the

13 percent GDP is not debt crisis.  Sorry but you’re a pack of liars.

No Mr Turnbull I was not angry over
Labor’s NBN plan. I was however, angry over the LNP’s second rate
alternative plan. Now all I hear when you speak is ‘blah blah blah blah,
turn over the record, blah blah blah blah, turn over the record, blah

You have lost all credibility with me, and I think it’s time I changed the record.

This isn’t a company you’re managing
Minister, it’s a country. A good bottom line means nothing to me. I want
services for my tax dollar. People are borrowing 6 times earnings to
buy a house and you are worried about a debt of between 10 and 20
percent of GDP. I was hoping for a little bit more from you. Don’t fear
monger, it belittles you.

If there really was financial
mismanagement why can’t you fix the problems and continue with an all
fibre rollout? If you really are the superior economic managers that you
claim to be then I don’t see why you can’t do it instead of lumping us
with technology that is outdated before it is even rolled out.

I am Australian – like most of my
friends – and I can assure you I was not angry about Labor’s NBN. If you
think that the Libs can roll it out more efficiently – then I will
support your policy just as I supported Labor’s. I think you should have
said, “like most Australians – we all want faster internet speed”.
Please stick with Labor’s good intentions and use your considerable
business knowledge to get it to us in a cost effective way. It is NOT
cost effective for any nation to have SLOW speeds. Copper has got to go –
and I am pretty sure most Australians agree with that!

One of these days Malcolm, you will
realise that people want a world class NBN. If you want to bag Labor
over the NBN, how about you go on about how they wouldn’t have delivered
a world class broadband network and the Libs will.

Where we’re at today, literally nobody believes that the Liberal
Party cares about the digital economy. *This* is why people rally behind
Labor’s vision, because any vision is better than what Liberals are
offering us.  You want to win the argument? Do it better, not worse.

The Liberal Party can go on and on about Labor’s reckless spending.
Most voters understand that cuts need to be made. What we don’t approve
of is the inequitable way that this government has looked to save.
Malcolm, I’m happy to pay extra in tax if it’s going to our pensioners,
the sick and the needy. I am NOT happy paying for CEOs to have kids,
Gina’s fuel rebate, politician’s entitlements (especially like the ones
that Don Randall claimed) etc. That’s just offensive and un-Australian
and it makes me ill to hear the words “fair go” spew forth from Tony’s

Just wondering Malcolm….do you still
intend borrowing $22.2 billion for your paid parental leave scheme and
$24 billion for your fighter jets to add to the $8.8 billion you
borrowed for Joe Hockey to gamble on the exchange rate going down? How
many billions are you borrowing for Operation Sovereign Murders? How
many billions will we be borrowing to gift to our worst polluters?

I too am happy to contribute. We do need some changes. But when I
hear of amnesties for offshore tax cheats, and that Frank Lowy’s
Westfield chain paid 8c in the dollar tax for the last umpteen years,
and that we gave Rupert Murdoch about $880 million tax return for having
accountants who are savvy enough to move profits from country to
country to minimise tax and take advantage of currency exchange rate
shifts, you then want to shaft our most vulnerable? How about we stop
giving Gina “exploration” grants. How about you grow some balls and tell
her that a condition of any approval is that she employs Australian
citizens and use Australian steel and equipment. The US made it a
condition for Gina’s recent $7 billion loan for her new destruction of
the planet venture – she must use American steel and equipment. How
ridiculous is that – they estimate it will create 3,400 jobs in AMERICA!
This crew are way too scared to require anything from Gina but you say
sick people and pensioners and students and unemployed need to
contribute more. Not only that we will get rid of that amazing mining
tax that on one hand destroys investment in this country (NOT), but on
the other doesn’t raise any money. Just as it was about to start kicking
in with billions (from your own estimates), you say oh no we can’t have
Gina paying anything to make billions from our resources. Let’s get rid
of the schoolkids bonus instead. Do you seriously expect anyone who
knows the truth to think that is the way this society should go? And why
are we sending $12 billion out of our economy into the American economy
for jets we won’t see for a decade if they ever work out how to make
them work. Malcolm, listen to your conscience. You KNOW the truth –
speak out and we will back you.

It seems that “most Australians” have an entirely different opinion
to Malcolm and his buddies and that “most Australians” were singularly
unimpressed with his video of himself being smart and seeming more
concerned about the many ways that this government is making this
country a worse place to live in.

The advertising isn’t working Malcolm.  How about trying some truth. 
Who knows, you may have a chance to salvage a modicum of integrity if
you have the guts to drop the turnbullshit.  Remember when you thought
climate change was real and that the ABC was important?  Was this an
attempt to gauge public opinion because you well and truly got
told….remains to be seen if you listened.

“A senior Liberal Party official
attended last night’s dinner with Cabinet minister Malcolm Turnbull,
the Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson, and latecomer Clive Palmer.

The ABC has been told the Liberal Party’s federal vice president Tom
Harley was at the dinner, which Mr Palmer is describing as “chopstick
diplomacy” amongst “friends”.

Ides of May?

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