Sunday, December 28, 2014

This Is How Tony Abbott Got Elected! - The AIM Network

This Is How Tony Abbott Got Elected! - The AIM Network

This Is How Tony Abbott Got Elected!

From time to time, certain people have expressed the view to me
that they can’t work out how Tony Abbott was elected. Well, I recently
chanced upon a Facebook site which gives some insight as to the sort of
people who voted for Tony. Baring in mind these were all done before the
election, these people had the presence of mind to write their messages
on a whiteboard so it could be easily rubbed out. Unfortunately they
uploaded it to the Internet where it’s a lot harder to erase.

Let’s start with the guy from whom Hockey gets his ideas.


Ok, he seems to have a clear idea of why we elected the Liberal
Party, and one would have to say that he won’t have been disappointed.
However, I wonder if this young lady has felt a little cheated given
that he spends most of Parliament wearing a blue tie.

Budgie smugglers liberal

Moving on.

nanny state

The previous person seems a little confused as it’s the Liberals who
are suggesting that childcare money could be used for nannies, but hey,
it’s not my sign!


Yes, Baldric, but is it a “cunning” one?

pull up

Personally, I don’t care which direction he does it!

more jobs

Yes, a very coherent sentence there!

Personally, I intend to vote for the Arts Party because Much Arts!

Although, to be fair, he doesn’t say exactly what’s happening about
more jobs. Perhaps, he approves of more jobs for 457 visa holders. Or
more jobs going overseas. Who knows?


Sick of talking about him, but not sick of writing his name on a sign!

school halls j

Are all school halls “lemons” or just the ones that Labor built? Does
he realise that, while the media were happy to focus on the complaints
of a few, that the majority of schools actually liked having a hall
built? As for “Pink Batts” wouldn’t more oversight have just been like
that “red tape” the Liberals are so keen to eliminate?

working life debt

Yes, she’d rather go to University and spend all her working life
paying off her own debt! But as for “Labor’s Debt” has anyone actually
worked out how long it would take to pay off if we raised taxes by say
5%? My estimate is about six years, which is hardly all her working
life, but I don’t have the latest figures which might include the
Liberal’s debt – or don’t we have to pay that back?


Please tell that’s not because you’re planning to breed! (Oh, all
right, terribly politically incorrect. Or is it politically correct now
that Abbott’s PM?)


“They believe in Agriculture and Regional Australia”? Gee, as
with Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy that personal beliefs about things
that can’t be proved should be left out of politics.

Well, there you have it. That should give you a small insight into the people who put Tony where he is.